Hello everyone!
This is just a quick post regarding a donation to the Service Beakers GoFundMe by Carlos Lima and the Catholic Community at St. Thomas More who have provided $500 to kickstart our program.
Words can not describe how grateful we are for this extremely generous contribution, and how deepest thanks and regards go out to everyone at St. Thomas More who gave Service Beakers a chance, and with this donation, we are able to not just present to more schools than we thought imagined, but also able to cater personal lesson plans to the vast curriculums in the RTP area.
While we want to one more time express how thanks for this donation, we know that we must make good on the funding provided, which is why we plan to present to our first batch of schools in the coming weeks. If you are interested in having Service Beakers present to your school, please feel free to reach out and we would be happy to accommodate your schools’ needs. Remember Service Beakers will never ask a single cent from any of the places we present.
The Service Beakers Team