Start-Your-Own Initiative
After participating in one of our lessons, students can perform simple initiatives of service (SYOI monthly) or even start their very own service program (SYOI+) to apply what they have learned with the help of a parent or guardian!
Service Beakers will be there every step of the way to help! If you do have questions about SYOI, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated SYOI email.

SYOI Information
SYOI Monthly
- Each month, there will be a theme-see this month’s below. Submit a picture of yourself performing a simple act of service, and you can optionally include up to 300 words of additional information describing what you did.
- At the end of the year, we will reward the best initiatives of every month, and we will showcase every single submission on our website!
- Start your very own service program! Follow the informational guide and with the help of a high school adviser, you can make a big difference. There is no theme for SYOI+ — take it any way you like!
- All SYOI+ programs will be shown and rewarded at the end of the year!
SYOI Monthly Theme: Algae Bloom
What is algae bloom?
Algae bloom, better known as red tide, happens when colonies of algae grow too much, producing toxic chemicals which can be fatal to birds, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and even humans. Algae are simplistic plants that grow in the water.
How can I help?
Algae blooms can be caused by many sources. While these will be more impactful if you live near an ocean, these tips are generally helpful, anyway. Here are examples of things you can do:
- Conserve water – make sure to turn it off when it’s not needed
- Prevent water runoff – even washing your car on concrete can cause soap and other harmful chemicals to seep into the sewage and eventually, into the ocean.
- Pick up your pet’s waste – the bacteria from this can seep into the soil and make it to the ocean.

Check out some of the great opportunities through the Start-Your-Own Initiative!
Expand your scientific knowledge through leadership!
Apply the concepts you learned during a Service Beakers lesson to create your own service initiative! No matter what age you are, you can be a leader in the community through SYOI!
Help your community and the world!
Your green service initiative can have a big impact on your community, and ultimately, the world! Even something as simple as picking up trash in the park for a few weekends will go a long way!
Get recognized and rewarded!
After completing your service initiative, you can be recognized at our end-of-year SYOI event at the Kaleideum North Museum! You can also be featured here on our website and get a special Service Beakers pin!
More Information